Xanax High is a known prescription medication to cure multiple anxiety-based disorders and symptoms. It is a popular brand name that belongs to the benzodiazepine…

Xanax High is a known prescription medication to cure multiple anxiety-based disorders and symptoms. It is a popular brand name that belongs to the benzodiazepine family. Benzodiazepines are categorized as psychoactive drugs primarily affecting the central nervous system to relieve symptoms. 

Besides its popular legitimate medical use of treating multiple anxiety-based disorders, depression, phobias, and panic disorders, Xanax is also in demand for recreational use. Its sedative effects provide a feeling of almost instant relief from stress, depression or general anxiety, and is regarded as highly addictive.  

Unlike other drugs that boost energy and alertness, Xanax produces a distinctive extreme calmness as brain activity slows down. In some cases, it also causes a sharp and short increase in happiness, given its influence on dopamine levels in the brain. Another reason it attracts people troubled by anxiety-based disorders is its quick absorption. 

What Does Xanax Feel Like?

Xanax doesn’t impact every user the same way. The effects vary based on factors such as mental state, age, metabolism, and dosage. 

Xanax is intended to improve the natural chemical within the body called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, for short. The enhancement of GABA typically results in a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure and a slower brain function. These effects cause feelings of serenity and drowsiness. This is in line with what most users report. 

Xanax High Costa Rica Treatment Center

Symptoms of anxiety-based disorders include panic, trouble concentrating, nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate, and insomnia. Taking Xanax can be an extremely useful tool for those wishing to combat severe anxiety, chronic sleeping disturbances, and panic disorders. Continued suffering from these symptoms can be catastrophic for quality of life, and contribute to the development of high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart disease. Therefore, Xanax can be an extraordinarily useful tool to prevent health complications and improve quality of life, however its highly addictive nature requires extreme caution. 

A sense of euphoria, as dopamine rushes to the brain, can be a powerful reinforcement mechanism leading to addiction. The sedative effects can likewise be particularly addicting for first-time users. The primary reasons people develop dependence on Xanax are its fast-acting results and quick wear-off. Regular taking of the drug, builds up a tolerance that leads to the need for a higher dosage. The higher the dose is, the higher the chance of adverse side effects. 

How Long Before Xanax Takes Effect? 

Xanax is meant to be taken by mouth and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Those who are not accustomed to taking psychoactive drugs will begin to note effects within 5 to 10 minutes. Almost everyone who Xanax it will feel its effects within the first hour. The fast acting effect typically noted with Xanax is triggered by quick absorption into the blood stream and the metabolizing of alprazolam within minutes. Once the drug has been metastasized, it will activate a near immediate increase of GABA. 

Compared to other antidepressants, which usually take days or weeks to show their clinical effects, Xanax is considered a fast-acting psychoactive drug. Hence, it is highly dependable and effective in treating panic and anxiety. The so-called “peak” that is noted will typically occur within the first two hours of taking it. 

Based on its impact, Xanax is considered a potentially habit-forming psychoactive drug. Therefore, some may develop a strong dependency and addiction with regular and prolonged use.  

How Long Does Xanax High Last?

Xanax high is popular for being a fast-acting psychoactive and short half-life drug. That means its effects are brief, and the drug wears off quickly in the system. With higher dosages, it can last for several hours. Many can feel its strongest effects within two to four hours. 

Once the drug starts to wear off, it can cause users to feel lingering effects, such as grogginess and fuzziness, that may last several hours. With regular and consistent use, people build up a tolerance for the drug, and it will take a much longer time to feel the sedative effects. 

Xanax has a half-life of about two hours. Once that point is reached, the user’s body will start to eliminate half of the dose in the bloodstream. Every person has a unique time frame for metabolizing medications, so it is difficult to give an exact time for the drug’s half-life for everyone and how long it will last. 

Is Xanax Addictive?

Xanax is a potentially habit-forming psychoactive drug that can be highly addictive if not used properly, and under the authority of regular medical consultations. If the user takes a higher dose than prescribed, unusual side effects can follow. Addiction can develop when individuals seek the same sedative effects as before, which becomes harder once a tolerance is built.  

The return of unpleasant symptoms from anxiety and panic, causes many people dependent on the drug to find it more difficult to quit. 

The Danger of Using Xanax Recreationally

The Danger of Using Xanax Recreationally - Costa Rica Treatment Center

The recreational use of Xanax often leads to misuse and abuse. Some people use the drug as a way to increase or prolong the Xanax high. Attempting to increase or prolong a Xanax high is extremely dangerous, as it has a high chance of resulting in seizures and even death. Awareness and control when taking the drug are important precautions, as many people mistakenly believe that since it is a drug prescribed by doctors that it is safe. Withdrawal symptoms from Xanax can include irrepressible and fatal seizures, so you should never attempt to quit using benzodiazepine or Xanax suddenly or on your own. 

Signs that Someone is High on Xanax

Someone who is experiencing a Xanax high may exhibit uncharacteristic behaviors such as unusual drowsiness, and calmness. In some cases, the user can experience a steep spike of euphoria and happiness. 

Experiencing a Xanax high is not necessarily considered a threat to life. But using the psychoactive drug in some other ways as prescribed can lead to dependency and overdose. That’s why users should not take over 4 mg of Xanax, as it is the maximum daily dose. 

Higher doses of Xanax can exhibit more problematic effects that may precede an overdose. These symptoms include but are not limited to dizziness, lack of coordination, mental confusion, disorientation, trembling, irritability, and blurred vision.

The Feeling of Coming Down from Xanax High

As Xanax primarily relieves symptoms of anxiety, such as restlessness and a pounding heart, such symptoms may begin to return when the drug is fully eliminated in the system. The return of these symptoms of anxiety is not pleasant, and can be quite distressing. As some people may wish to escape these feelings of unpleasantness, they may be tempted to take Xanax to enjoy feelings of relief and serenity once again. 

On the other hand, coming down from a Xanax high is a different experience for people who do not feel the spike of euphoria and high emotions for the peak of the drug. Once the drug wears off, they would not experience any noticeable effect or comedown. 

Others may experience feelings of depression or anxiety, even if they did not take the drug for those reasons in the first place. This is due to brain chemicals adjusting to the lack of the drug in the system. The rebound feelings of depression or anxiety can be distressing, but are usually brief and temporary. 

How to Safely and Effectively Taper Off Xanax and Recover from Addiction

Xanax is not necessarily considered a dangerous substance, especially if it is used as an antianxiety medication to effectively control anxiety or panic disorders. For this purpose, the chance of experiencing negative consequences and adverse side effects is low as long as there is strict medical guidance and support. Patients dependent on Xanax can gradually wane off of it under medical supervision, and any concerns regarding a developing dependency or addiction should be communicated to your doctor as soon as possible. 

Those who develop an addiction to Xanax are often motivated by a desire to eliminate or otherwise manage feelings of intense or chronic anxiety.  However, symptoms of anxiety and depression may be worsened by Xanax withdrawal. Lack of knowledge in handling the drug can lead to addiction, ultimately making it more difficult and dangerous to quit cold-turkey. If a dependency to Xanax is suspected, it is vital to seek immediate medical guidance to prevent potentially fatal consequences of overdose or withdrawal. Medical professionals trained in addiction care are also able to mitigate other negative withdrawal symptoms, which may be distressing or otherwise unpleasant.

How to Safely and Effectively Taper Off Xanax and Recover from Addiction - Costa Rica Treatment Center

If you believe you may be dependent on or addicted to Xanax, understand that you are not alone in your addiction or recovery journey. There are medical and psychological guidelines for managing unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal, intended to ensure your safety and total wellbeing throughout the withdrawal process. At Costa Rica Treatment Center, we offer world-class evidence-based treatment programs specializing in medically assisted benzo detox. You can overcome your dependency on Xanax and improve your mental health for a higher quality of life. 

Get help today to start your recovery. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Here’s a guide to frequently asked questions about Xanax, Xanax high, and other relevant topics about them: 

Who should not take Xanax?

Those with certain prior medical conditions should check with their physician if it is safe for them to take Xanax. Here’s a list of some pre-existing conditions that are not compatible with this psychoactive drug: 
– asthma
– decreased lung function
– weakened patient
– liver problems 
– suicidal thoughts
– pregnancy
– chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
– alcohol intoxication
– sleep apnea
– a patient who is producing milk and breastfeeding

Is it normal to feel sleepy after taking Xanax?

Sleepiness or fatigue are among the most common side effects of taking Xanax. That’s why it is a popular medication for people who are suffering from insomnia. Due to the calming effects of this psychoactive drug, it is a go-to medication that may make it easier for people to fall asleep. 

Why do doctors recommend Xanax?

Since Xanax is a medication with legitimate medical use, many doctors recommend it to people who need to be treated for anxiety, depression, and other panic disorders. Because of its calming and relaxing effect, it can effectively ease anxiety symptoms. 

Moreover, it is worth noting that doctors usually prescribe Xanax for a short time because of the risk of severe side effects, potential dependency, and overdose. 

What happens if you drink alcohol after taking Xanax?

Alcohol can increase the side effects of Xanax on the body. Once consumed after the drug, it can also potentially slow down the wear off of the drug from the system.
Combining Xanax and alcohol may even lead to deadly side effects, such as prolonged memory loss, confusion, extreme lethargy, difficulty breathing, extreme drowsiness, seizures, and coma. 

What happens if Xanax is combined with other medications? 

Similar to the risk of combining Xanax with alcohol, one should avoid mixing Xanax with other medications. Other drugs can prevent the pathway responsible for eliminating Xanax from the body. This can eventually lead to a toxic buildup of drugs and an overdose. 

Based on these risks of combining Xanax with other medications, it is best to consult a physician before taking it. 

Does Xanax dosage change the way it affects you?

Xanax’s doses are available in milligrams (mg), which include 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg. The dosage is a relevant factor for its effects because they become more significant as the dose increases.

First-time users are generally prescribed the lowest possible dose to avoid building up a tolerance and development of health complications. High doses can be fatal, and dosing should thus be treated and monitored with care and under medical guidance.

Is a Xanax comedown just the same thing as Xanax withdrawal? 

A Xanax comedown is not the same thing as Xanax withdrawal. A comedown is described as a letdown of high emotions from the peak effects of the drug. Not everyone would experience a Xanax comedown if they did not experience Xanax high. 

On the other hand, Xanax withdrawal is a phenomenon where some users can encounter feelings of anxiety and depression, even if they have never experienced issues with those feelings before. These feelings are termed rebound, and they are usually temporary. 

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