Learn about treatment for substance use disorders like drug addiction

World-Class Addiction Therapy & Counseling


Addiction takes a heavy mental and emotional toll on a person, in a way that requires truly compassionate care and attention. During treatment for substance abuse disorders at Costa Rica Treatment Center, we apply various forms of counseling and psychotherapies; including cognitive behavioral therapy, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), and twelve step facilitation among many others methodologies. We provide our clients with a comprehensive combination of both individual and group therapies.

All of our drug and alcohol treatment programs include the following:


Addiction causes issues that go beyond the individual who uses substances; a person’s family often suffers a large portion of the harm and consequences from the destructive lifestyle. A family’s stability—economically, emotionally, and mentally—may be largely affected, in a way that breeds a slew of negative emotions, extending both from the family to the individual and vice versa. Oftentimes, family members may actually become trapped in the cycle of addiction, though many times unknowingly, as they become tangled in patterns of enabling or co-dependency, both of which can often fuel a family member’s substance abuse disorder.

It can be hard to forgive and unlearn negative mindsets, emotions, and behaviors, especially after witnessing a life deeply affected by drugs or alcohol. Because of this, family therapy and support are critical components at Costa Rica Treatment Center. The benefit is twofold—first it affords the family a channel by which to heal, and secondly, it becomes instructive and helps family members to adapt to the changes and demands of their loved one’s recovery.

At CRTC we aid in the process of teaching a person’s family members positive ways to support, encourage, and keep their family member accountable, both within treatment and during the time post-treatment. We maintain close communication with family members throughout the course of treatment process and provide them with regular updates on the person’s status.


Our comprehensive, all-inclusive addiction treatment programs start as low as $7750.00 per month.


co-occurring disorder is a disorder that occurs along with an addiction. These may take numerous forms, most commonly mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, or PTSD, however, it also includes various other medical conditions such as schizophrenia, paranoid disorder, psychosis, etc.

Why is this important? Firstly, many people begin using drugs or alcohol at the onset, to self-medicate these conditions or symptoms that they present. Others have developed these disorders as a result of substance abuse. Whatever the circumstance may be; unfortunately, many drugs exacerbate the symptoms, thus drawing an individual into a downward spiral of continued substance abuse, to the extent an addiction is formed or continued.

For a person to effectively find stability and freedom within a drug-free life, they need to fully eradicate as many triggers and cues as possible, while learning positive coping skills to manage their abstinence from substances. Therefore, in order to be successful, a person needs to adjunctly treat these co-occurring disorders, so that they do not continue to aggravate a person in such a way that they relapse back to drug or alcohol use. At Costa Rica Treatment Center we employ many of the following activities to help to bolster a person’s mood and self-image in a way that encourages better mental health and wellness.


At Costa Rica Treatment Center recreational activities are an essential part of our program and go beyond providing a person with a sense of exhilaration and fun—while they offer these visceral experiences as well, they also encourage a person to tap into a variety of mental and emotional states that are positive and proactive influences on the clients treatment and recovery process. Each one of our recreational activities form part of an integral approach to reconnecting the person to a life beyond the use of substances. Below is a list of regular recreational activities offered as part of our exclusive program at Costa Rica Treatment Center:

  • Frizz bee Therapy at Sabana Park
  • Tee Time at the Golf Course
  • Water Park Diving & Friendly Swimming Competition
  • Scenic Mountain BBQ & Sports
  • Dairy Farm Adventure
  • Art Museum Tour
  • Ping Pong Tournament at CRTC 2
  • Beach Trip to Paradise at Esterillos Beach
  • Beach Trip Paddle Boarding at Herradura Beach
  • Weekend Boxing & Training
  • Weekend Volcano Sightseeing Tour
  • Mountain Trail Hiking
  • Holistic Therapies at CRTC


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. It became popular in the West in the 20th century. The word, yoga, comes from the Sanskrit yuj, which means “to yoke” and “samadhi” or “concentration.” Thus, yoga is the practice that aims to join the mind, body and spirit. The ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve liberation. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and, over the years, many different interpretations have developed about what yoga means. Each different type of yoga has its own emphasis and practices.

At Costa Rica Treatment Center we apply the practice of yoga & meditation to improve cognitive function, body flexibility and performance, stress reduction, attainment of inner peace, and self-realization. It is an instrumental part of our behavioral therapy model. Our certified yoga instructor comes at least three times a week for a 1:30 hour session.


Forest Therapy, also known as “Shinrin-Yoku,” refers to the practice of spending time in forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness, and happiness. The practice follows the general principle that it is beneficial to spend time bathing in the atmosphere of the forest. The Japanese words translate into English as “Forest Bathing.” Although we are inspired by the Japanese practice our use of the terms Forest Therapy and Shinrin-Yoku do not mean a specifically Japanese practice. We mean spending time in nature in a way that invites healing interactions. There is a long tradition of this in cultures throughout the world. It’s not just about healing people; it includes healing for the forest (or river, or desert, or whatever environment you are in).

There are an infinite number of healing activities that can be incorporated into a walk in a forest or any other natural area. An activity is likely to be healing when it makes room for listening, for quiet and accepting presence, and for inquiry through all eight of the sensory modes we possess.

At Costa Rica Treatment Center we’ve been blessed by the participation of certified forest guide Manuela Siegfried. Manuela was born and raised in this beautiful, biodiverse country called Costa Rica. Having a biologist as a father, she’s made contact with nature an intrinsic part of her life. Her passion has led her to work with our clients in depth helping them awaken their senses and slow down in a natural setting so they can reconnect with themselves and their natural environment.


Art Therapy at Costa Rica Treatment Center makes use of various artistic mediums integrated in a way that encourages self-reflection, introspection, and confidence, thereby helping a person work through traumatic experiences linked to addiction using non-communicative expression as the focal approach. Our art therapist applies the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, coloring, or sculpting to help people express themselves artistically and examine the psychological and emotional undertones in their art. With the guidance of a credentialed art therapist, clients can “decode” the nonverbal messages, symbols, and metaphors often found in these art forms, which lead to a better understanding of their feelings and behavior so they can move on to resolve deeper rooted issues.


Our addictions specialists are standing by to answer any questions you may have. We are the best at what we do and all of our treatment programs include a unique combination of therapies and counseling making it the most comprehensive treatment program in Latin America.


As an individual compulsively uses drugs or alcohol, they often let their physical health deteriorate. Physical fitness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for anyone—especially a person in recovery from drug addiction. At Costa Rica Treatment Center we offer gym at least 5 days a week with access to personal trainers as part of our core curriculum. Strengthening the body helps to strengthen the mind, bolster the immune system, and increase confidence in our clients. Reconciling with the physical self is the beginning of the process of building a healthy esteem and recovering from addiction and its negative impact.


At Costa Rica Treatment Center you can also organize a variety of activities in your leisure time, including hiking, fishing, sports, swimming, rock climbing, gardening, and crafts provided you do so with approved members of the recovery community. We encourage all our clients to become active members of the local recovery community and enable them to utilize the weekends to develop those relationships. Client can meet with members of the community and explore the countryside or take part in ongoing healthy activities all the while building healthy relationships with people that understand the process of recovery that can serve as mentors.